• PERSONAL TRAINING is the FASTEST , SAFTEST and MOST EFFICIENT way to reach your goals at the gym. You’ve got a wide range of options of Certified Personal Trainers to choose from – specialists in all different areas of fitness at Stayfit Fitness.


  • Here at Stayfit Fitness we have a strong focus on bringing you the most effective workouts to meet your goals. We use a wide array of personal training tools such as BATTLE ROPES, KETTLEBELLS, SUSPENSION BELTS, CORE BAGS, and MMA equipmentto name a few. These functional training tools allow our trainers to provide you with an array of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts that are not only extremely effective in getting results, but also a ton of fun!


  • With no age or stage bars in life you can confidently choose your fitness goals with us, our trainers trained under specialized certification programs are always ready to make it happen for you with best efficiency and safety.